For many college and university students nowadays, a popular thing to do is blog about their experiences in school. What’s so interesting about this trend is that you’re seeing it in all programs, degrees, and disciplines. If you happen to be enrolled in the online master in health informatics program, creating your own blog could be a huge advantage for you. Let’s take a look at the reasons why so you can decide if it’s something you should be pursuing.

Understanding What a Blog Is

Perhaps you’re not familiar with what a blog is. So, first things first, it’s time to examine what “blogging” means. In simple terms a blog is nothing more than a diary or journal. That isn’t to say it’s written in the same manner as a typical journal, it just means you are writing about your experiences, thoughts, tips, advice, and passion. Things you have gone through yourself.
You don’t have to be a professional writer, or a professional in any area in order to start your own blog. Blogs are published online and the goal is to attract followers/readers – an audience. At any given time, you can find millions of blogs online regarding every topic you can think of. These blogs may have a handful of followers or hundreds of thousands, even millions.
So besides being able to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, why would you blog? Well there are many reasons.

Expand Your Network

When you graduate from your online health informatics degree you will suddenly be ready to enter the workforce. Having contacts in the industry can really help open doors for you and help you land interviews. One way to network is to create a blog that gets noticed by professors, industry leaders and personnel, and even other students. The bigger your network, the higher the odds are of finding that right person to speak to.

Make a Name for Yourself

Wouldn’t it be great if you already had credibility, a reputation, and a real name for yourself in the industry before you even got your degree? Well that’s what blogging can help you accomplish. Remember, your blog can be written by you but you can also get guest bloggers that are known in the industry. You’ll start to make a name for yourself and show you’re credible and passionate about the health industry at large.

A Learning Experience for You

Blogging also provides you with a learning experience. It gives you the opportunity to create discussions and think about what it is you’re learning in school. In a way, it allows you to take your studies to a whole new level of comprehension.

Get Blogging

With so many pros it just makes sense to start blogging during your online MSHI program. Don’t worry if you’ve never done it before, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Just know what it is you want to share, and say it in the most natural way possible.

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