Panda roll out 4.0 started on 21st May 2014 with the ~ 7. 5 % of Search results.  This update usually target for the website that contains so many duplicate pages.

This update is un favor for the top websites like ebay and amazon which list products that about for sales. Basically this website contains so many duplicate pages with similar products.

Google said that Panda 4.0 impacted 7.5% of English-language queries.

Matt cutts
Payday loan Algorithm 2.0

Google started filtering “very Spam queries ” from its search results. Google confirmed that this update is running throughout world 0.2% noticeable degree.

This is how Google panda algorithm going to work if you page duplication on your websites.

Where you can notices that your site get slap from panda?

The major source to find the Google panda impacts is Google webmaster and Google Analytics.




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